All Hatch™ Windows 10 computers built after August 6, 2019, will require the end user to complete the Microsoft out-of-box experience. The following are instructions for the recommended configuration of your Hatch™ PC.
1. Power on the machine.
2. Verify that United States is selected for region, and click Yes.
3. Verify that US is selected for keyboard layout, and click Yes.
4. Select Skip for the second keyboard layout.
5. Connect to a network (if the computer is hardwired with ethernet, this step will be skipped), and click Next.
6. Select Accept for the Windows 10 License Agreement.
7. Select Set up for personal use.
If the machine will be added to your organization's domain, please consult your school's IT or system administrator to complete Set up for an organization.
8. Select the option for Offline account (bottom-left corner) on the Sign in with Microsoft page.
9. Select No when asked to Sign in with Microsoft Instead?
10. When asked Who's going to use this PC?, type User and click Next.
11. Leave the password section blank, and click Next. If you choose to set a password and the password is lost, Hatch™ will not be able to recover your information!
12. Select No for Do more across devices with activity history.
13. On the Get help from your digital assistant page, select Decline.
14. Finally, review the privacy settings, and click Accept.