What Is Archive?
Archive is the process in which class, child, and family data is archived and reset so that organizations can start fresh for the new school year. Just like you put your files safe in storage, we do the same with your organization's data. When you archive a child, they will no longer be able to access and play Ignite by Hatch™. Their family members will also be archived. Keep this in mind if your organization is interested in allowing children to play Ignite over the summertime.
This feature allows organizations to have more flexibility when it comes to archiving their users.
Who Is in Charge of Archiving Our Data?
Currently, organizational administrators will be the only people who can archive your data.
How Do I Archive My Organization's Data?
You will be able to find step-by-step instructions on archiving your data here, or you can visit your Archive Settings page and start there.
Is There Anything I Should Do Before Archiving My Data?
If you plan to do a custom archive, just make sure you know which classes and students you will want to include or exclude from archive.
If you would like to keep any current data, then the best way to do this is to export the logs with the data you’d like to keep. To learn more about exporting data, check out this article. You can also use the Print Report button (located in the blue bar at the top of the screen on any of the playtime or progress reports pages) to get a PDF of the data shown. For more information about printing reports, check out this article.
Where Are My Archive Settings?
Currently, only organization administrators have access to archive settings. They will be able to find their archive settings page by navigating to their organization settings page in the top menu (under ROSTER) or by visiting this page.
When Does Archive Take Place?
Archiving is typically done after the end of the school year but before the start of the next year. This allows for a clean slate at the start of the new school year. However, organization administrators can select any future date for archiving. If the Archive Settings are not updated, then classes, children, and families will be archived on August 1st. Many of our reports focus on session data generated from August 1st to July 31st, so we recommend archiving before August 1st if possible. It is recommended to archive before adding new classes or children and before carrying over any children. Note: The archive process will take place at night.
For teachers and families, archive announcements in the form of emails and a banner in Hatch Insights™ will allow you to keep track of your organization’s archive date.
When Can I Add My New Roster?
Because the archive happens at night, we recommend adding your new classes, children, and family members the day after your scheduled archive date. For example, If you archive on August 1, then Insights will be ready to roster for the new year on August 2.
What if I Don't Want to Archive?
Organization administrators can opt out of archive by going to your archive settings. Note: Opting out can have some unintended consequences. For example, you may end up with more children than you have licenses for or your data will be skewed as new children join. To learn how to opt out, check out this article.
What if I Accidentally Archived?
If you forgot to opt out or change the date of archive for your organization and archive takes place, you can use our carryover feature to get back the data for children and their family members, but you won't be able to get data for your classes back. If you need to do this, please contact our support team.
Why Do We Need to Archive?
Archiving gives organizations a clean slate to start the new year and bring in new children to Ignite. It is best to archive children who will not be using Ignite in your organization during the next school year.
What Happens if I Don't Make Any Changes to My Archive Settings?
If you do not edit your archive settings, then the default action is to archive on August 1st, and all classes, children, and families in your organization will be archived.
What Happens to Inactive Students When I Archive?
If you choose the standard archive option, then your inactive children will also be archived. If you choose the custom archive option then you will see which children are active or inactive and you can choose to archive them or not. If you opt-out then your inactive children will remain inactive.