ChildPlus Data Import Overview
ChildPlus Software is an innovative data management solution for Head Start, Early Head Start, Migrant, State Pre-K, and other early childhood programs. Using the ChildPlus software, users can centralize organizations’ rostering data, analyze reports to make data-driven decisions, and track trends to improve overall impact.
Note: If your organization does not use ChildPlus but you would still like to import your data into Hatch Insights™, click here.
The Hatch™ ChildPlus import integration consists of three parts:
- Generating an XML export data file from ChildPlus software by a ChildPlus administrator with access to all sites and personnel records.
- Ensuring schools listed in Insights match the naming convention from ChildPlus.
- Importing the XML file in Insights by an organization administrator in Insights.
Part 1: Generating the XML Export Data File From ChildPlus Software
The following video mirrors the content in this article in describing how to export ChildPlus XML for import into Hatch Insights.
- Log into ChildPlus as an administrator (with access to all locations and personnel records) and ensure that teachers have work email addresses in ChildPlus software.
- Choose Reports > Export > Report 6501 - Data Export. (If you do not see this option, reach out to your ChildPlus administrator.)
- You will see four tabs: General, Participants and Family, Personnel, and Configuration.
- From the General tab, check Participants and Family, Personnel, and Configuration.
- From the Participants and Family tab, match the selection shown in the following image.
Note: If you manage multiple programs and do not wish to roster all programs, you can modify the drop-downs in the following image to only include certain groups or agencies. - From the Personnel tab, match the selection shown in the following image.
- In the Configuration tab, check all three boxes. See the following image for more guidance.
- Go back to the General tab. Click Export to XML to save the file on your local computer. Please remember the location and the file name. You will need this information for Part 2 of the process.
Part 2: Match School Naming Convention in Insights to ChildPlus
- View the school/site list for your organization in ChildPlus. You can view this by clicking on (1) the Setup Tab; then (2) Agency Configuration, Agency Info; then (3) selecting an Agency on the left-hand list; then (4) clicking on the Sites tab.
- Ensure the naming convention listed under Name matches each school existing in Insights. If schools do not exist currently in Insights, this import will complete this for you. If there are existing schools in Insights, please rename them in Insights to match the ChildPlus naming convention.
- To view existing schools in Insights, log into Hatch Insights:
- Click on ROSTER > View and Edit Schools.
- Under Name, ensure any schools listed are renamed to match the naming convention in ChildPlus.
- Click on ROSTER > View and Edit Schools.
Part 3: Importing the XML File in Insights
- Log into Hatch Insights using your browser. The address is:
- From the ROSTER menu, select ChildPlus XML.
- Select the educational journey you'd like all of your imported children to receive. Then click on Choose ChildPlus Files. Follow the on-screen instructions.
View Sync Status
Organizational admins can view their import status and import history by clicking the Import History menu option under ROSTER.
Recommendations for Archive and Carryover
Archive is a process used to help keep your data up to date in Hatch Insights. If you have children returning to play Ignite after the previous term, you should use the following steps to ensure that your data is clean and that their data is returned.
- Go to your Organizations Settings page.
- Click the button to edit your archive.
- Select a standard archive to archive all your classes, children, and family members.
- Select a date for your archive. All archive processes will occur overnight and you should refrain from adding any new users before the archive has happened.
- After the archive, use the steps above to import your ChildPlus roster.
- Go to View and Edit Children and rename the children who will be carried over by adding a "-carry over" to the end of their first name. This will allow you to know which children should be deleted after carryover so that you do not have duplicates.
- Go to Carryover Over Last Year's Children.
- Select the carryover process you want to use.
- For Simple Carryover follow these instructions: [Org Admins, School Admins, Teachers] Carrying Children Over From a Prior Year: Simple Carryover
- For Bulk Carryover follow these instructions: [Org Admins, School Admins, Teachers] Carrying Children Over From a Prior Year: Bulk Carryover
- After you've completed carryover, go to the View and Edit Children page and delete all the children with "- carry over" next to their name.