Progress monitoring settings allow you to decide how much or how little IgniteTable by Hatch™ progress data you would like to collect. This article explains how to change your progress monitoring settings in IgniteTable and provides an overview of the available options.
Note: Progress monitoring settings are only available for customers with a full IgniteTable license.
About IgniteTable Progress Monitoring
IgniteTable offers three progress monitoring options, which can be updated either directly in IgniteTable or through Insights by Hatch™, the data and rostering platform for your program:
Recommended (Default):
Complete progress monitoring, where play sessions are recorded as evidence of skill development for teachers and administrators.
- Class & child roster is required.
Individual child sessions are logged, but video recordings are not captured.
- Class & child roster is required.
Free Play:
Progress is not monitored, and children play as Hatch characters.
- Child roster is not used/required; substitute players provided. One class will be required. Learn how to add a class.
Note: When using the Free Play option, you will not have access to individual child data.
Progress monitoring settings can be customized at either the class level, school level, or organization level, depending on your program's needs. Organization admins can make changes at the all levels. Teachers can only make changes at the class level. School Admins can make changes at the school level and the class level.
Updating Progress Monitoring Settings
Class-Level Updates
On IgniteTable:
- Log in to IgniteTable with your teacher account.
- Enter the teacher area:
- Tap the gear icon in the lower-right corner.
- Tap the numbers in ascending order to access the settings menu.
- Once in the teacher area, select Manage Settings.
- On the Manage Settings page, tap the Progress Monitoring Level option:
- If this option is disabled, ensure that you have created a class or verify that your account has the correct license type for this feature.
If you receive a message saying you are not allowed to make changes, please contact your administrator to make changes.
- On the Progress Monitoring Settings page, select the class you want to update.
- Choose your preferred progress monitoring setting and click Save Changes.
In Insights:
- Log in to Insights with your educator account.
- Navigate to Roster in the top menu, then select View & Edit Classes.
- Find the class you wish to update, and click the Edit button in its row.
- If you do not see an Edit button, your admin has restricted you from editing classes. Please contact your admin to request changes.
- If you do not see an Edit button, your admin has restricted you from editing classes. Please contact your admin to request changes.
- On the Edit Class page, locate the new setting labeled IgniteTable Progress Monitoring Setting.
- Select your desired option from the drop-down menu and click Save.
School-Level Updates
Only school and organizational administrators can update progress monitoring settings at the school level. Please note that changes made at this level will overwrite existing class-level settings. Teachers may still make class-level edits unless restricted by the admin.
- In Insights:
- Log in to Insights with your org admin account.
- Navigate to Roster in the top menu, then select View and Edit Schools.
- Find the school you wish to update, and click the Edit button in its row.
- On the Edit School page, locate the new setting labeled IgniteTable Progress Monitoring Setting.
- Select your desired option from the drop-down menu and click Update School.
Organization-Level Updates
Only organization administrators can update progress monitoring settings at the organization level. Please note that changes made at this level will overwrite existing school or class-level settings. Teachers may still make class-level edits unless restricted by the admin.
- In Insights:
- Log in to Insights with your org admin account.
- Navigate to Roster in the top menu, then select Organization Settings.
- Locate the section labeled IgniteTable Progress Monitoring Setting and select your desired option from the drop-down menu.
- To prevent teachers from changing class-level settings, toggle on Restrict teachers from adding or editing classes.
- If this toggle is not enabled, teachers will be able to update progress monitoring for their individual classes.
- If this toggle is not enabled, teachers will be able to update progress monitoring for their individual classes.
- Click Save Settings at the bottom of the page.
- If you update other organization settings later, any existing class-level progress monitoring settings will remain unchanged unless the progress monitoring setting is specifically updated.
What Will I See When the Settings Are Active?
On IgniteTable, you will know that the limited or free-play settings are active when you see indicators on the screen as children play. If the recommended (default) progress monitoring setting is applied, then you will not see any indicators on your IgniteTable.
Free Play
When children are selecting their characters and rocket parts, you will see a message in the top right-hand corner, as shown in this image:
When children are playing the games, you will see a small message in the lower right-hand corner:
When children are selecting their photos and rocket parts, you will see a message in the top right-hand corner:
When children are playing the games, you will see a small message in the lower right-hand corner:
How Progress Monitoring Settings Impact Reports
The selected IgniteTable progress monitoring setting can affect the type of data available in your reports. Here’s what you need to know about how each setting impacts reporting.
Recommended (Default)
- All progress monitoring data, including video recordings of play sessions, will be included in your reports.
- Reports provide comprehensive insights into skill development at the individual, class, and organizational levels.
- Play-session evidence will be visible in applicable report types, such as Skill Progress and Play Session Details.
- Individual child progress data is still included in reports, but video evidence will not be recorded or available.
- Reports like Progress and Playtime will show logged games played, but the Child Skill Detail Report, Gameplay Report, and Skill Observation Report will not include video-based play-session evidence.
Free Play
- Progress is not monitored, so individual child data will not be included in reports.
- No data is collected or saved when Free Play mode is active, and data cannot be retrieved after play.
- Reports will not display any skill development or play-session data for children using this setting.
- Any previous data will be hidden while this setting is active.