As children play on IgniteTable, crucial moments of play are recorded as observational evidence of skill development. Educators can view these videos at any time and can download these videos to provide evidence for skill development in other platforms (e.g., Teaching Strategies GOLD®).
How to Download Recordings
You do not need to use the IgniteTable to download your recording. Recordings are automatically sent to our data site, Hatch Insights™, which you can access on your computer.
First, you'll need to log in to Insights. If you're a teacher, your login information is the same as the information you used to log in to IgniteTable.
After you log in, you'll find a variety of reports for IgniteTable. We provide multiple places for you to download recordings so that you can use the option that works best for you.
You can download recordings from these reports. Click the link to jump to the instructions you'd like to see in this article:
Downloading Videos From the Child Skill Detail Report
- In the top menu, find and hover over IgniteTable Reports.
- Click Child Skill Detail Report under Other Reports.
- On this page, you'll see a list of your children. Click View in the IgniteTable Reports column for the child you want to download recordings for.
- This will open the child's Skill Detail Report in a new tab. Once it loads, you'll see all the skills your child has played. Find the skill you're interested in and click the arrow to expand the box.
- Once you've expanded the box, you'll see a section titled Recording(s). If the child has played the skill more than once, you may have multiple recordings. Click the blue link to see the recording you would like to download.
- The recording will appear in a pop-up on the same screen. To download, click the Download button on the lower right-hand side of the pop-up.
- Once you click Download, the recording will download onto your device.
Downloading Videos From the Skill Observations Page
- In the top menu, find and hover over IgniteTable Reports.
- Click Skill Observations under Other Reports.
- On this page, you'll find a section for each of your children. Click the arrow to expand the bar.
- Here you'll see all the skills your child has played that have not yet been marked as "observed."
- Each skill has a card. Find the skill you are interested in. On the card, you'll see a section titled Recordings. If your child has played the skill more than once, you will have multiple recordings.
- Click on the blue link to see the recording you want to download.
- The recording will appear in a pop-up on the same screen. To download, click the Download button on the lower right-hand side of the pop-up.
Downloading Videos From the Gameplay Report
- In the top menu, find and hover over IgniteTable Reports.
- Click Gameplay Report under Other Reports.
- On this page, you'll see a list of your children. Click View in the IgniteTable Gameplay Reports column for the child you want to download recordings for.
- Here you'll find all the games your child has played in IgniteTable. On each game card, you'll see the child's recordings.
- Click on the blue link to see the recording you want to download.
- The recording will appear in a pop-up on the same screen. To download, click the Download button on the lower right-hand side of the pop-up.
When you open the video recording you'll also see the names of the other children who played this skill. Take note of these names so you don't have to download the video more than once.
If you want to upload this video to Teaching Strategies GOLD®, please follow the instructions here: Uploading Photos Videos and Other Files.