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Domain: Relationship Skills
Subdomain: Participation
- Demonstrates willingness to participate in a group activity
- Demonstrates ability to initiate positive peer interactions while working within a group
- Demonstrates ability to sustain cooperative interactions within a group
Subdomain: Engagement
- Engages in prosocial behaviors with other children
- Sustains interactions with at least two or more other children for increasing periods of time
- Engages in joint play (i.e., coordinating goals, planning, and following rules) with more than one child at a time
Subdomain: Social Problems
- Demonstrates sharing successfully
- Demonstrates sharing and compromising successfully
- Demonstrates sharing, compromising, and/or negotiating successfully
Subdomain: Active Listening
- Follows visual and physical prompts with assistance (at least two movements) during a group activity
- Follows visual and physical prompts (at least three movements) during a group activity
- Follows visual and physical prompts (at least four movements) during a group activity
Subdomain: Communication
- Identifies ways people communicate
- Explores basic signs of nonverbal communication
- Engages in play using alternative forms of communication
Domain: Social Awareness
Subdomain: Takes Turns
- Takes turns successfully when prompted
- Successfully demonstrates taking turns without prompts
- Successfully initiates taking turns, without prompts, to complete a group goal
Subdomain: Understands Basic Needs of Others
- Identifies basic needs of others
- Demonstrates meeting the basic needs of others
- Takes responsibility for meeting the basic needs of others
Subdomain: Understands Basic Feelings of Others
- Describes the feelings of others based on physical characteristics
- Describes the feelings of others based on the environment/situation
- Predicts/identifies causes of others’ feelings
Subdomain: Acceptance of Others
- Demonstrates understanding of diverse people
- Explores different types of communities by building a neighborhood
- Explores ways to make communities inclusive
Domain: Self-Awareness
Subdomain: Delays Gratification
- Delays gratification during a group task
- Ignores distractors while delaying gratification during a group task
- Identifies alternative ways to keep busy while delaying gratification during a group task
Subdomain: Identity
- Creates a self-portrait
- Draws a personal interest or interest in the world around them
- Engages in appropriate self-care activity based on a given mood
Subdomain: Understands Own Basic Needs
- Identifies their own basic needs
- Demonstrates meeting their own basic needs
- Takes responsibility for meeting their own needs
Domain: Responsible Decision-Making
Subdomain: Focuses Attention
- Stays on task with cues
- Works steadily with attention to task
- Ignores distractors while completing a task
Subdomain: Economics
- Engages in pretend-play scenarios related to spending
- Engages in pretend-play scenarios related to saving
- Engages in pretend-play scenarios related to giving
Subdomain: Accountability
- Evaluates the consequences of actions in an at-home setting
- Evaluates the consequences of actions in a school setting
- Evaluates the consequences of actions in a community, (uncontrolled) nonschool setting
Domain: Self-Management
Subdomain: Follows Directions
- Correctly carries out a one-step request
- Accurately follows two-step directions
- Correctly attends to three-step directions
Subdomain: Exploration
- Explores cause and effect
- Makes educated guesses (hypotheses) to solve a problem or task
- Tests educated guesses (hypotheses) to find the result
Subdomain: Flexible Thinking
- Makes plans for an imaginative play routine
- Changes plans for an imaginative play routine when new ideas are proposed
- Integrates new plans for an imaginative play routine unprompted
Subdomain: Persistence
- Demonstrates persistence
- Attends to a task without displays of frustration
- Works on a task until it is complete
Subdomain: Recalls Information
- Recalls one or more items removed from view
- Recalls two or more items removed from view
- Recalls three or more items removed from view
Subdomain: Understands Routines
- Remembers the sequence of a routine
- Identifies the missing part of a routine
- Completes/plans a routine
Domain: Unstructured Play
Subdomain: Collaborative Building
- Uses digital materials (e.g., shapes) and imagination to build collaboratively
- Uses digital materials (e.g., magnets) and imagination to build collaboratively
- Uses digital materials (e.g., blocks) and imagination to build collaboratively
Subdomain: Collaborative Art (coming soon)
- Uses digital materials (e.g., paint) and imagination to create a piece of art together
- Uses digital materials (e.g., mosaics) and imagination to create a piece of art together
- Uses digital materials (e.g., stamps) and imagination to create a piece of art together