The Quarterly Summary report is generated for you at every quarter and gives you an overview of your organization's implementation of Ignite by Hatch™.
Where Do I Find This Report?
The Quarterly Summary report is located under the REPORTS tab in the main menu. Click Quarterly Summary under Status Reports to be taken to your report.
What Is in This Report?
The Quarterly Summary is meant to give you a quick look at your organization's usage of Ignite over the past quarter. Currently, you'll find important information about the implementation of Ignite and playtime, but we plan to release metrics on progress and growth soon.
Implementation Section
Implementation Score and Score Breakdown
The implementation score is a calculation of your organization's implementation based on metrics related to the setup of Ignite. The score is given out of 10 total points and is a combination of school, child, and teacher setup requirements.
Power Users and Need Support
This section of the report will show you which schools have implemented Ignite well and which schools may need a little support with setup.
Implementation Score Over Time
The score-over-time graph will show your implementation score compared to scores from previous Quarterly Summary reports.
Note: On your first Quarterly Summary report, you won't have a score over time because you have no other Quarterly Summary reports to compare to your current report.
Professional Development Recommendations
Our professional development programs are proven to help organizations get set up faster. If you're struggling with implementation, we highly recommend this training. If your implementation is going well, then we have training for you, too, to further develop your understanding of Ignite and help you utilize our reports.
Playtime Section
Playtime Score and Score Breakdown
The playtime score is an average of your 3-month (one quarter) breakdown. The scores are calculated using our 30-minute recommendation for all children. We take your number of active children and multiply it by the expected amount of time played for the month or quarter. Then, we divide that by your actual number of minutes played and then convert it to a number out of 10 to get the score.
Power Users and Need Support
This section of the report will show you which schools have been playing Ignite frequently and which schools may need a little push in the right direction to get their scores up.
Playtime Score Over Time
The score-over-time graph will show your playtime score compared to scores from previous Quarterly Summary reports.
Note: On your first Quarterly Summary report, you won't have a score over time because you have no other Quarterly Summary reports to compare to your current report.
Playtime Best Practice Recommendations
In this section, we provide small tips and tricks to help keep playtime growing.
Growth Section
Growth and Progress Score and Score Breakdown
The growth score is based on your children's progress through Ignite. The scores are calculated based on the skill level your children have reached and their goal skill level which is based on their age/grade level. Learn more: Ignite™ Grade Placement and Personalized Sequencing
For example, if you have a growth score of 5/10 this means that on average all of the children in your program are half way to their goal skill level. A score of 5 might be a good goal midway through the school year.
You can also see this growth score broken down by each of the domains offered in Ignite.
Power Users and Need Support
This section of the report will show you which schools have the highest growth scores in Ignite and which schools may need a little support to help to get their scores up.
Growth and Progress Score Over Time
The score-over-time graph will show your growth and progress score compared to scores from previous Quarterly Summary reports.
Note: On your first Quarterly Summary report, you won't have a score over time because you have no other Quarterly Summary reports to compare to your current report.
Growth and Progress Best Practice Recommendations
In this section, we provide tips and tricks to help keep playtime growing.