Explore Ignite allows teachers and families to play Ignite by Hatch™’s digital experiences without affecting any specific child data. In addition, the Explore Ignite feature enables you to engage with your early learners individually or in a small group, offering additional support for experiences and Skill Levels that children have not yet completed.
To access Explore Ignite, follow the following steps:
1. From the Ignite app, navigate to the Dashboard Area. To find this area, touch and hold the gold gear icon (located in the top-right corner of every Ignite screen). When the number words appear (1–4), touch them in numerical order.
2. Upon opening this area, select Explore Ignite. If you're a teacher you'll see the first image. The family member area will look like the second image.
3. Next, select the Language of Instruction and the Experience Type (e.g., Core or Guided Practice):
4. After selecting the language and Experience Type, select the Domain (e.g., Literacy, Mathematics, Language & Communication, Social and Emotional Learning, Social Studies, Physical Development, or Science & Technology).
5. Next, you will choose from a list of Strands (if applicable) respective to the selected Domain (e.g., Domain: Literacy, Strand: Phonics), the Subdomain (e.g., Alphabet Knowledge), and the Level (e.g., 1, 2A, 2B, 3, 4A, etc.) dependent on the Subdomain.
6. Upon these selections, a preview of the selected Digital Experience appears in the right panel on the screen. Clicking Play will launch the experience and enable you to play and explore without progress synching to Insights!