Skills Addressed Through Ignite by Hatch™ for Preschool & PreK
Ignite skills for preschool & preK are organized by
- Seven Learning Domains
- 44 Subdomains
- The Mathematics and Literacy Domains are also subdivided into Strands (categories).
- Subdomains can include Skill Levels 1–12, but preschool and preK skills are focused on skill levels 1 -4.
- For the full list of Ignite skills, see: Ignite Learning Domains, Strands, Subdomains, Skill Levels, and Skill Descriptors
Refer to this diagram for more details:
Note: A larger version is attached at the bottom of this article for greater detail.
- In the Insights reporting system, administrators, teachers, and families can see how children are progressing through the Skill Levels in these Subdomains using the Child Skill Details report.
- Educators can visit REPORTS > Child Progress, then select the name of a child, to view the Child Skill Details report.
- Families can simply log in and select the Progress tile on their dashboards to see a detailed report for their child.
- This article lists the Domains, Subdomains, Strands, and Skill Level descriptors. The descriptors are numbered (according to each Skill Level).
Domain: Social Studies
Subdomain: Self-Identity
Developing a sense of self-identity is crucial to the development of self-esteem and confidence and enables children to identify as part of a group (which helps children feel a sense of identity).
1. Draws a self-portrait.
2. Draws a picture of his/her home.
3. Draws a picture that resembles his/her family.
4. Identifies various characteristics and interests that appeal to themselves, within a drawing.
Subdomain: Community Awareness
Understanding the community outside of home builds understanding and positive attitudes, develops spatial reasoning, and helps children make sense of their world.
1. Draws a picture of a neighborhood.
2. Identifies characteristics of a neighborhood.
3. Shows understanding of how places and things within a neighborhood are commonly utilized.
4. Demonstrates understanding of physical features of neighborhoods/communities.
Domain: Physical Development
Subdomain: Self-Care
Having a strong understanding of self-care routines can positively impact a child’s development and self-confidence.
1. Identifies self-care routines and scenarios.
2. Identifies basic processes for self-care (hand washing, feeding, and toileting)
3. Identifies objects needed for basic self-care activities.
4. Identifies daily routine activities.
Subdomain: Nutrition
Nutrition, health, and learning are three major factors that impact a child’s development, making learning about healthy choices a very important part of every child’s learning process.
1. Identifies a variety of nutritious foods.
2. Identifies healthy versus unhealthy foods.
3. Creates a healthy breakfast menu.
4. Creates healthy lunch and dinner menus.
Subdomain: Health & Safety
Children do not always understand danger, and, therefore, it is important to support learnings about personal safety and tips for staying healthy.
1. Demonstrates an understanding of personal safety practices and routines.
2. Identifies ways to play safely.
3. Identifies behaviors that promote health and safety.
4. Applies knowledge and skills related to health promotion, disease prevention, and health maintenance.
Domain: Science & Technology
Subdomain: Life Science
Understanding the natural world and developing reasoning processes that form the underpinnings of scientific thinking.
1. Identifies at least one living thing.
2. Identifies at least three living things.
3. Identifies the basic needs of living things (air, water, food, shelter).
4. Identifies how living things change over time.
Subdomain: Physical Science
Utilizing the five senses for understanding, classification, and prediction of physical properties in living and nonliving things.
1. Identifies the properties of natural and/or humanmade material.
2. Identifies four of five senses and demonstrates an understanding of the texture of materials.
3. Identifies five senses and demonstrates an understanding of what our senses do.
4. Sorts, groups, or classifies objects based on one or more properties.
Subdomain: Earth Science
Identifying, analyzing, or predicting materials and patterns found on Earth.
1. Identifies materials in the environment.
2. Identifies changes and properties in Earth’s environment.
3. Analyzes patterns in weather and the effects of weather on Earth’s environment.
4. Evaluates changes to Earth’s environment.
Subdomain: Simple Tools
Developing skills that support tools and technologies can have positive effects on future educational outcomes.
1. Identifies simple tools.
2. Demonstrates understanding of the uses of simple tools in everyday life.
3. Identifies simple science tools.
4. Explores simple science tools and their uses.
Subdomain: Engineering
Learning about the engineering process and how to design, create, and solve problems.
4. Identifies a problem or need and why it is important.
Domain: Social–Emotional Development
Subdomain: Identifying Emotions
Identifying and demonstrating emotions ranging in intensity and complexity found in everyday life.
1. Identifies basic emotions (happy, sad, angry/mad, and scared).
2. Demonstrates an understanding of the causes of basic emotions.
3. Identifies more complex emotions (calm, surprised, embarrassed, and disappointed).
4. Demonstrates an understanding of the causes of more complex emotions.
Subdomain: Solving Social Problems
Enabling children to learn how to collaborate, cooperate, communicate, negotiate, self-advocate, and respect others.
1. Recognizes social problems.
2. Identifies pro-social behaviors.
3. Identifies classroom routines and procedures that prevent social problems from occurring.
4. Identifies appropriate solutions for social problems, involving basic emotions.
Subdomain: Responding to Emotions
Identifying or engaging in strategies responding to emotions ranging in complexity and intensity.
1. Engages in breathing exercises to learn to calm the self.
2. Identifies appropriate ways to respond to basic negative emotions (scared, mad, and sad).
3. Identifies appropriate ways to manage basic negative emotions (scared, mad, and sad).
4. Identifies appropriate ways to respond to basic positive emotions (happy).
Subdomain: Self-Management
Engages in exploration or persists to complete an activity or solve a problem.
2. Explores using trial and error to complete an activity.
3. Explores various materials to accomplish a goal.
4. Explores simple observations to make a prediction.
Subdomain: Responsible Decision-Making
Developing skills for making thoughtful choices.
4. Identifies examples of responsible decisions.
Subdomain: Social Awareness
Fostering an understanding of others' feelings and perspectives.
4. Identifies ways of showing kindness and caring.
Subdomain: Social Skills
Cultivating essential skills for positive social interactions.
4. Demonstrates an understanding of positive social skills (kindness, cooperation, honesty, trustworthiness, etc.).
Domain: Language & Communication Development
Subdomain: Receptive Language
Understands increasingly complex communication and language.
1. Shows an understanding of basic words.
2. Responds to "what" questions.
3. Responds to "where" questions.
4. Demonstrates an understanding of complex and compound sentences.
Subdomain: Listening & Understanding
Acting in response to language and responding to increasingly complex language.
1. Responds to one-step requests or questions.
2. Carries out a one-step request that relates to a new or unfamiliar activity or situation.
3. Follows two-step oral directions (that relate to a familiar activity or situation).
4. Carries out two-step requests that involve a new or unfamiliar activity or situation.
Subdomain: Vocabulary
Building conceptual knowledge and the vocabulary associated with that knowledge.
1. Understands color words.
2. Sorts words into categories.
3. Demonstrates an understanding of comparative adjectives.
4. Demonstrates an understanding of common antonyms.
Subdomain: Academic Vocabulary
Building conceptual cross-curricular knowledge and the vocabulary associated with that knowledge.
4. Applies an understanding of cross-curricular pre-K-level Tier 2 words.
Subdomain: Conventions of Language
Demonstrating an understanding of various components of conventional language (e.g., irregular and regular plural nouns, verb tenses, interrogatives, and prepositions).
3. Demonstrates an understanding of regular plural nouns.
4. Demonstrates an understanding of simple past, progressive present, and simple future verb tenses.
Domain: Mathematics
Strand: Counting & Cardinality
Subdomain: Set Counting
Using one-to-one correspondence to count or produce a group of objects.
1. Touches one object for each number said for sets up to 5.
2. Counts up to five objects.
3. Counts up to 10 objects.
4. Produces sets of up to five objects.
Subdomain: Comparing Quantities
Analyzing two sets of objects to determine which set has more than, less than, or the same amount.
1. Places objects into a set structure that forces one-to-one correspondence.
2. Pairs objects to compare two sets.
3. Correctly chooses the set of objects that has more or less when shown two sets that vary greatly in quantity.
4. Counts sets of up to five objects to compare.
Subdomain: Ordinal Numbers
Understanding how an ordinal number relates to an object's position in a line; identifies or arranges objects based upon ordinal number.
1. Identifies the “first” object arranged in a line.
2. Identifies the “last” object arranged in a line.
3. Identifies the “first” and “second” object arranged in a line.
4. Identifies the position of the first, second, and last object arranged in a line.
Subdomain: Subitizing
Instantly recognizing collections of units; perceptual subitizing = recognizing units in one group; conceptual subitizing = recognizing smaller groups within one group.
1. Matches small sets of one to three objects.
2. Makes a small collection to match the same number as another collection that was shown quickly (no more than four).
3. Instantly recognizes collections up to four in typical arrangements (perceptual subitizing).
4. Instantly recognizes collections up to four in random arrangements (perceptual subitizing).
Subdomain: Number Sequencing
Understanding the number–name and numeral relationship, using this understanding to recognize or order numbers in a sequence.
1. Listens to number chants and songs.
2. Orders quantities 0–5.
3. Recognizes numerals 0–5.
4. Recognizes numerals 0–10.
Subdomain: Numeral Writing
Writing numerals to develop fundamental number recognition and formation skills.
3. Distinguishes between numbers and letters.
4. Writes numerals 0 - 5
Strand: Operations & Algebraic Thinking
Subdomain: Addition
Joining two sets of objects to find the total number of objects; understanding how groups of objects are composed of smaller groups.
3. Finds the total when given a word problem or scenario by directly modeling the problem with objects and counting all the objects when the sum is 6 or less.
4. Finds the total when given a word problem or scenario by directly modeling the problem with objects and counting all the objects when the sum is 8 or less.
Subdomain: Patterns
Recognizing, copying, extending, or generating a repeating series of units.
1. Copies ABAB patterns.
2. Fills in and extends ABAB patterns.
3. Creates simple repeating patterns.
4. Copies AABBAA, ABCABC, and ABBABB patterns.
Strand: Math Applications
Subdomain: Measurement
Understanding that attributes of objects can be measured by height, length, width, volume, and area; can compare the length of two objects directly by lining them up.
1. Orders up to three objects by length and height.
2. Identifies the object that is longer, taller, or shorter.
3. Builds towers that are either shorter or taller than an object.
4. Fills in containers with objects to compare volumes.
Subdomain: Classification & Data
Categorizing and sorting objects into meaningful groups; sorts objects based on similar attributes and recognizes when objects do not belong in the same group.
1. Matches similar objects.
2. Sorts objects based on a single attribute.
3. Identifies objects given a single attribute.
4. Identifies objects given two attributes.
Strand: Geometry
Subdomain: 2-D Shapes
Recognizing and naming shapes that are both prototypical and non-prototypical and composing (and decomposing) shapes to make new figures.
1. Completes a pattern block puzzle by choosing the correct shapes to fit in each piece.
2. Matches two identical simple shapes (square, triangle, and circle) that have the same size and orientation.
3. Names a circle, square, and triangle when shown a prototypical shape.
4. Completes a pattern block puzzle by choosing the correct shapes to fit in each piece.
Subdomain: 3D Shapes
Exploring the characteristics and properties of 3D shapes.
2. Identifies 3D shapes.
3. Matches common 3D shapes (cone, cylinder, cube, sphere) that have different sizes and orientations.
4. Given a 3D shape, identifies an object in the environment with that shape.
Subdomain: Spatial Relationships
Noticing and describing the relationships between objects and places using spatial language.
1. Follows simple directions related to position (in, on, off, over, and under).
2. Follows simple directions related to direction (up and down).
3. Follows simple directions related to proximity (besides, between, and next to).
4. Follows simple directions related to frames of reference (behind, left, right, in front of, to the side of, above, and below).
Domain: Literacy
Strand: Phonological Awareness
Subdomain: Segmenting
Breaking down individual sounds or syllables to read or write words.
1. Identifies separate words within a sentence.
2. Segments compound words into two words.
3. Deletes a word from a compound word.
4. Segments words into syllables.
Subdomain: Alliteration
Listening to, generating, or manipulating words that have the same initial sound (onset).
1. Listens to songs and chants that have repeating initial sounds.
2. Recognizes when groups of words begin with the same onset.
3. Distinguishes if two words start with the same onset.
4. Isolates the onset in words.
Subdomain: Blending
Pulling together individual sounds or syllables to hear or read words.
1. Adds a missing word to form a compound word.
2. Combines two words to make a compound word.
3. Combines syllables to form words.
4. Blends onsets and rimes to make one-syllable words.
Subdomain: Rhyming
Listening to, generating, or manipulating words that have the same ending sound.
1. Listens to a variety of rhymes (songs, chants, etc.).
2. Determines if two words rhyme.
3. Matches rhyming words.
4. Determines which word does not rhyme.
Strand: Phonics
Subdomain: Alphabet Knowledge
Awareness of letters in the environment; an introduction to their relationship to sound and the understanding that letters make up words.
2. Listens to alphabet chants and songs.
3. Recognizes 10 uppercase letters.
4. Recognizes 18 uppercase and 15 lowercase letters.
Subdomain: Letter–Sound Correspondence
Connecting grapheme to phoneme relationships through identifying the common sounds letters represent.
3. Identifies less than 10 letters based on their sounds.
4. Identifies 10 uppercase letters based on their sounds.
Strand: Reading
Subdomain: Concepts of Print
Awareness of print and print directionality; understanding that print has meaning and books are made of letters and words.
1. Identifies appropriate book orientation.
2. Distinguishes print from pictures.
3. Demonstrates an understanding of print directionality.
4. Identifies book parts and features.
Strand: Listening Comprehension
Subdomain: Key Ideas & Details
Important elements or central ideas in a story or text.
1. Listens to fictional texts with simple details and story elements.
2. Listens to nonfiction texts with simple structures and elements.
3. Identifies the main character(s) in a story.
4. Recalls key details from a story.
Strand: Writing
Subdomain: Writing Development
The progression of writing begins with scribbling, then drawing for meaning, next producing letter strands that represent letters and words, and finally using formal writing conventions.
1. Makes scribble marks.
2. Draws pictures to convey meaning.
3. Writes shape-like symbols.
4. Writes letter strings.