Skills Addressed Through Ignite by Hatch™ for Kindergarten & 1st Grade
Ignite skills for Kindergarten & 1st Grade are organized by
- Seven Learning Domains
- 44 Subdomains
- The Mathematics and Literacy Domains are also subdivided into Strands (categories).
- Subdomains can include Skill Levels 1–12, but kindergarten & 1st-grade skills are focused on skill levels 5-12.
- For the full list of Ignite skills, see: Ignite Learning Domains, Strands, Subdomains, Skill Levels, and Skill Descriptors
Refer to this diagram for more details:
Note: A larger version is attached at the bottom of this article for greater detail.
- In the Insights reporting system, administrators, teachers, and families can see how children are progressing through the Skill Levels in these Subdomains using the Child Skill Details report.
- Educators can visit REPORTS > Child Progress, then select the name of a child, to view the Child Skill Details report.
- Families can simply log in and select the Progress tile on their dashboards to see a detailed report for their child.
- This article lists the Domains, Subdomains, Strands, and Skill Level descriptors. The descriptors are numbered (according to each Skill Level).
Domain: Social Studies
Subdomain: Self-Identity
Developing a sense of self-identity is crucial to the development of self-esteem and confidence and enables children to identify as part of a group (which helps children feel a sense of identity).
5. Draws a self-portrait with at least one characteristic or interest included.
6. Draws a picture resembling his/her family, including interests or traditions of the family.
7. Draws a picture of his/her home that includes family-specific details.
8A. Draws a picture of him/herself engaged in an activity, tradition, sport, hobby.
8B. Draws two pictures of themselves to show how they have changed over time.
Subdomain: Community Awareness
Understanding the community outside of home builds understanding and positive attitudes, develops spatial reasoning, and helps children make sense of their world.
5. Identifies community helpers (within a community/neighborhood).
6. Explores ways to help community helpers do their work in the community.
7. Explores ways to build community relationships.
8A. Explores ways to help those in need.
8B. Shows an understanding of ways that groups and institutions work to meet people's needs and promote, or fail to promote, the common good
Subdomain: Global Connections
Discovering the interconnectedness of the world's cultures.
8. Describes the connections between people and places around the globe.
9. Demonstrates an understanding of how language, art, music, and other cultural elements can facilitate global understanding.
10. Identifies examples of conflict and cooperation among individuals, groups, and nations.
11. Identifies issues and problems that impact people in different parts of the world and have an impact on other parts of the world.
12. Identifies ways that the wants and needs of people in one part of the world might conflict with the wants and needs of people in other parts of the world.
Subdomain: Civics & Citizenship
Learning about rights, responsibilities, and civic engagement.
8. Identifies actions that could improve life in their school, community, and beyond.
9. Identify the rights and responsibilities of citizens.
10. Describes how specific policies or behaviors reflect or do not reflect democratic ideals.
11. Describes the pros and cons of holding a specific position.
12. Explores how the influence of citizens can influence policy decisions.
Subdomain: Economics
Exploring basic economic concepts and financial literacy.
8. Demonstrates an understanding of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services in their school and community.
9. Describe the differences between wants and needs.
10. Demonstrates an understanding that the decisions that people make are influenced by the trade-offs of different options.
11. Evaluate different methods for allocating scarce goods and services in their school or community.
12. Describe how consumers will react to rising and falling prices for goods and services.
Subdomain: Culture
9. Describes similarities and differences in the ways that various cultural groups meet similar needs.
10. Describes how information and experiences may be interpreted differently by people from different cultural groups.
11. Describes the value of both cultural unity and diversity.
12. Demonstrates an understanding of how different values and beliefs can make understanding between people and groups difficult.
Domain: Physical Development
Subdomain: Self-Care
Having a strong understanding of self-care routines can positively impact a child’s development and self-confidence.
5. Identifies steps in daily routine and self-care processes.
6. Explores relaxing self-care activities.
7. Practices deep breathing and reciting positive affirmations.
8. Chooses an appropriate self-care activity based on a given mood.
Subdomain: Nutrition
Nutrition, health, and learning are three major factors that impact a child’s development, making learning about healthy choices a very important part of every child’s learning process.
5. Creates a shopping list with healthy foods.
6. Distinguishes between fruits and vegetables.
7. Distinguishes between dairy, protein, and grains.
8. Builds a balanced plate.
Subdomain: Health & Safety
Children do not always understand danger, and, therefore, it is important to support learnings about personal safety and tips for staying healthy.
5. Identifies, avoids, and alerts others to danger.
Subdomain: Fine-Motor
Use one or more fingers to make small movements or manipulate objects.
6. Uses one finger to make small movements.
7. Uses fingers to manipulate small objects.
8. Uses fingers to manipulate, reposition, or resize small objects in that hand.
Subdomain: Saftey
8. Identifies characteristics of safe and unsafe places.
9. Identify different household products that can cause harm if they are touched, ingested, or inhaled.
10. Demonstrates an understanding of basic safety-related signs, symbols, and warning labels.
11. Demonstrates an understanding of basic safety-related signs and symbols.
12. Identifies ways to reduce the risk of injury at home, at school and in their community.
Subdomain: Health & Wellness
8. Identifies personal actions that help prevent common communicable diseases.
9. Demonstrates an understanding of how sleep and rest are crucial for growth and health.
10. Identifies basic human body parts (stomach, intestines, heart, lungs, skin, muscles, and bones).
11. Identifies different healthcare providers.
12. Makes an action plan to achieve a short-term personal health goal.
Domain: Science & Technology
Subdomain: Life Science
Understanding the natural world and developing reasoning processes that form the underpinnings of scientific thinking.
5. Identifies living things and their basic needs and how they grow and change over time.
6. Classifies plants based on observable characteristics.
7. Identifies basic parts of a plant.
8. Identifies (understands) interdependencies of living things.
9. Compares and contrasts the basic needs of plants and animals.
10. Explores solving human problems using methods plants and/or animals use to survive.
11. Demonstrates an understanding of patterns in the behavior of parents and offspring that influence survival.
12. Demonstrates an understanding of how young plants and animals are like, but not exactly like, their parents.
Subdomain: Physical Science
Utilizing the five senses for understanding, classification, and prediction of physical properties in living and nonliving things.
5. Identifies the effects magnets have on some items.
6. Classify objects based on the way they move.
7. Classify objects based on the type of energy they produce (light, heat, and sound).
8. Predicts different effects of various amounts of force applied to stationary objects.
9. Explores how light and illumination affect our ability to see objects.
10. Explores how the placement of objects affects light and shadows.
11. Explores the effect that objects made with different materials have when placed in a beam of light.
12. Explores using light or sound to communicate over a distance.
Subdomain: Earth Science
Identifying, analyzing, or predicting materials and patterns found on Earth.
5. Demonstrates understanding of the importance of caring for the environment
6. Demonstrates an understanding of how plants and animals (including humans) can change the environment to meet their needs.
7. Makes a model to show the relationship between the needs of different plants or animals (including humans) and the places they live.
8. Describes solutions that will reduce the impact that humans have on land, water, air, and/or other living things in the environment.
9. Identifies forms of precipitation as solid or liquid.
10. Describes seasonal patterns of change by analyzing data.
11. Describes patterns of the sun, moon, and stars.
12. Describes the relationship between the amount of daylight and the time of year.
Subdomain: Simple Tools
Developing skills that support tools and technologies can have positive effects on future educational outcomes.
5. Demonstrates understanding of the uses of simple science tools.
6. Identifies awareness that tools can be used effectively or ineffectively
7. Explores technology used for learning and investigating
8. Explores technology tools used to solve problems, design solutions, or create something new.
Subdomain: Engineering
Learning about the engineering process and how to design, create, and solve problems.
5. Identifies potential solutions to a problem.
6. Makes observations about a situation to define a simple problem that can be solved through the development or improvement of an object or tool.
7. Demonstrates an understanding of how the shape of an object impacts the object's ability to solve a problem.
8. Analyzes data from the tests of two objects to compare the strengths and weaknesses of each object.
Domain: Social–Emotional Development
Subdomain: Identifying Emotions
Identifying and demonstrating emotions ranging in intensity and complexity found in everyday life.
5. Identifies a variety of facial expressions as they relate to basic emotions.
6. Connects basic emotions to a variety of facial expressions and body language cues.
7. Identifies a variety of facial expressions as they relate to more complex emotions.
8. Connects more complex emotions to a variety of facial features and body language cues.
Subdomain: Solving Social Problems
Enabling children to learn how to collaborate, cooperate, communicate, negotiate, self-advocate, and respect others.
5. Identifies strategies for addressing their own emotions in social problems.
6. Applies strategies for solving social problems in familiar situations.
7. Identifies appropriate solutions for social problems, involving more complex emotions.
8. Applies strategies for solving social problems in new situations.
Subdomain: Responding to Emotions
Identifying or engaging in strategies responding to emotions ranging in complexity and intensity.
5. Identifies appropriate ways to respond to more complex negative emotions (embarrassed, disappointed, and surprised).
6. Identifies appropriate ways to manage more complex negative emotions (embarrassed, disappointed, and surprised).
7. Identifies appropriate ways to respond to more complex positive emotions (calm and surprised).
8. Recognizes that others may have a different emotional response than their own.
Subdomain: Self-Management
Engages in exploration or persists to complete an activity or solve a problem.
5. Uses persistence to engage in a challenging activity and asks for help when needed.
6. Uses persistence to complete an activity with unknown challenges.
7. Uses trial and error to solve a problem.
8. Uses problem-solving to create an activity using cause and effect.
Subdomain: Responsible Decision-Making
Developing skills for making thoughtful choices.
5. Demonstrates an understanding of the importance of self-management skills.
6. Demonstrates an understanding of how personal feelings can influence individual actions.
7. Describes how personal choices lead to actions and/or consequences.
8. Demonstrates an understanding of the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions.
9. Identifies examples of situations where self-management skills are important.
10. Identifies strategies to engage in goal setting.
11. Identifies characteristics that make someone a leader.
12. Identifies personal actions made by leaders.
Subdomain: Social Awareness
Fostering an understanding of others' feelings and perspectives.
5. Understands gratitude and identifies ways to express it.
6. Demonstrates an understanding of the importance of caring about others.
7. Demonstrates an understanding of the importance of supporting their family, friends, school, and community.
8. Identifies personal actions that contribute to the common good.
9. Identifies ways to engage in active listening.
10. Demonstrates an understanding of fairness.
11. Demonstrates an understanding of ways to respect others' privacy and personal space.
12. Demonstrates skills for conflict resolution.
Subdomain: Social Skills
Cultivating essential skills for positive social interactions.
5. Identifies the benefits of positive social skills (kindness, cooperation, honesty, trustworthiness, etc.).
6. Identifies personal actions that demonstrate positive social skills (kindness, cooperation, honesty, trustworthiness, etc.).
7. Demonstrates an understanding of the importance of respect for others.
8. Identifies personal actions that demonstrate respect for others.
9. Identifies ways to be a good friend.
10. Identifies ways to build and keep friendships.
11. Understands the importance of teamwork.
12. Identifies ways to engage in teamwork.
Domain: Language & Communication Development
Subdomain: Receptive Language
Understands increasingly complex communication and language.
5. Responds to "how" questions.
Subdomain: Listening & Understanding
Acting in response to language and responding to increasingly complex language.
5. Carries out multistep requests that relate to familiar activities or situations.
6. Attends to multiple details in directions.
7. Carries out multistep directions with multiple details.
8. Carries out multistep directions with multiple details that involve a new or unfamiliar activity or situation.
Subdomain: Vocabulary
Building conceptual knowledge and the vocabulary associated with that knowledge.
5. Demonstrates an understanding of cross-curricular words.
6. Demonstrates an understanding of basic multiple meaning words.
7. Makes connections using verbs and adjectives.
8A. Uses sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.
8B. Identifies real-life connections between words and their use.
9. Sorts words into categories in order to understand the concepts the categories represent.
10. Use frequently occurring prefixes as a clue to the meaning of a word.
11. Use frequently occurring suffixes as a clue to the meaning of a word.
12. Identify frequently occurring root words and their inflectional forms.
Subdomain: Academic Vocabulary
Building conceptual cross-curricular knowledge and the vocabulary associated with that knowledge.
5. Applies an understanding of some cross-curricular kindergarten-level Tier 2 words.
6. Applies an understanding of more cross-curricular kindergarten-level Tier 2 words.
7. Applies an understanding of a range of cross-curricular kindergarten-level Tier 2 words.
8. Applies an understanding of some cross-curricular first-grade-level Tier 2 words.
Subdomain: Conventions of Language
Demonstrating an understanding of various components of conventional language (e.g., irregular and regular plural nouns, verb tenses, interrogatives, and prepositions).
5. Demonstrates an understanding of question words (who, what, where, when, why, and how).
6. Demonstrates an understanding of prepositions within sentences.
7. Demonstrates an understanding of irregular plural nouns.
8. Demonstrates an understanding of matching verbs to singular and plural nouns in basic sentences.
Domain: Mathematics
Strand: Counting & Cardinality
Subdomain: Set Counting
Using one-to-one correspondence to count or produce a group of objects.
5. Produces sets of up to 10 objects.
6. Counts sets of up to 20 objects.
7. Produces sets of up to 20 objects.
8. Counts sets of up to 30 objects.
Subdomain: Comparing Quantities
Analyzing two sets of objects to determine which set has more than, less than, or the same amount.
5. Counts sets of up to 10 objects to compare when objects are the same or different sizes.
6. Determines “how many” more are in the larger set when provided sets with up to 10 objects.
7. Counts sets of up to 20 objects to compare when objects are the same size.
8. Generates sets that are greater or less than a given number up to 20.
Subdomain: Ordinal Numbers
Understanding how an ordinal number relates to an object's position in a line; identifies or arranges objects based upon ordinal number.
5. Arranges up to four objects using knowledge of ordinal positions.
6. Identifies ordinal numbers "first" through "fifth."
7. Identifies ordinal numbers "first" through "tenth."
Subdomain: Subitizing
Instantly recognizing collections of units; perceptual subitizing = recognizing units in one group; conceptual subitizing = recognizing smaller groups within one group.
5. Instantly recognizes collections up to five (perceptual subitizing).
6. Instantly recognizes collections up to five when collections contain two colors (conceptual subitizing).
7. Instantly recognizes collections up to 10 that are made by combining two smaller groupers (conceptual subitizing).
8. Instantly recognizes collections up to 20 shown in tens frames (conceptual subitizing).
Subdomain: Number Sequencing
Understanding the number–name and numeral relationship, using this understanding to recognize or order numbers in a sequence.
5. Identifies the number that comes before or after a number between 0 and 10.
6. Orders numerals 0–10 forward and backward.
7. Recognizes numerals 11–20.
8A. Names the number that comes before or after 11–20.
8B. Counts to 100 by tens.
8C. Counts beyond 100 starting at any number
Subdomain: Composing
Joining groups of objects or a set of numbers to make a whole group or another number.
6. Identifies the missing part to complete wholes up to 5.
7. Identifies the missing part to complete wholes up to 10.
8A. Uses understanding of place value to compose numbers between 11 and 20.
8B. Writes the composition of two numbers totaling 11–20 as an equation.
Subdomain: Decomposing
Breaking down a group of objects or a number into component parts.
6. Given the whole (up to 5), identifies two parts that can be used to create the whole.
7. Given the whole (up to 10), identifies two parts that can be used to create the whole.
8A. Uses understanding of place value to decompose numbers between 11 and 20.
8B. Writes the decomposition of two numbers totaling 11–20 as an equation.
Subdomain: Numeral Writing
Writing numerals to develop fundamental number recognition and formation skills.
5. Writes numerals 0 - 10
6. Labels sets of up to 10 with a written numeral
7. Writes numerals 11 - 20
8A. Labels sets of up to 20 with a written numeral
Strand: Operations & Algebraic Thinking
Subdomain: Addition
Joining two sets of objects to find the total number of objects; understanding how groups of objects are composed of smaller groups.
5. Finds the total by counting on from the first addend, with sums up to 10.
6. Given a set of objects, adds on to the set to make a given total. For instance, there are four bears, and the child is asked to make there be seven; the child adds three more bears.
7. Determines the missing addend by adding on objects. For instance, you have five balls and then get some more. Now you have seven in all. How many did you get?
8A. Finds the total when given a word problem by modeling with manipulatives when the sum is 15 or less (manipulatives are not a direct representation of the objects in the word problems).
8B. Finds the total when given a word problem by modeling with manipulatives and then writing the corresponding equation.
9. Solves addition word problems within 20.
10. Solves addition word problems of three whole numbers whose sum is less than or equal to 20 by using objects, drawings, and equations.
11. Adds using properties of operations (commutative and associative properties of addition).
12. Adds fluently within 20.
Subdomain: Subtraction
Starting with the whole and taking away a few objects. Subtraction concepts also include separating (decomposing) a whole group of objects into two smaller groups.
6. Given a set of objects, takes away from the set to make a given total. For instance, there are six bears, and the child is asked to make there are three; the child takes away three bears.
7. Determines how many were taken away when given the starting total and the ending total. For instance, you had eight cookies and gave some to your friend. Now you have five cookies. How many cookies did you give to your friend?
8A. Finds the difference when given a word problem by modeling with manipulatives when the whole is 15 or less (manipulatives are not a direct representation of the objects in the word problems).
8B. Finds the difference when given a word problem by modeling with manipulatives and writing the corresponding equation.
9. Solves subtraction word problems within 20.
10. Solves subtraction problems by knowing the missing addend (i.e. Subtract 10-7 by knowing what number makes 10 when added to 7).
11. Subtracts using properties of operations (commutative and associative properties of addition).
12. Subtracts fluently within 20.
Subdomain: Patterns
Recognizing, copying, extending, or generating a repeating series of units.
5. Extends and fills in missing parts of AABBAA, ABCABC, and ABBABB patterns.
6. Creates varied repeating patterns.
7. Fills and extends in patterns involving numbers.
8A. Creates patterns with numbers.
8B. Describes growing patterns.
Strand: Math Applications
Subdomain: Measurement
Understanding that attributes of objects can be measured by height, length, width, volume, and area; can compare the length of two objects directly by lining them up.
5. Orders up to 10 objects by length and height.
6. Indirectly compares the length of two objects by using a third object.
7. Uses a nonstandard unit of measurement to measure and compare objects.
8. Uses standard measurement tools to compare two objects.
9. Expresses the length of an object as a whole number of length units.
10. Tells time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks.
11. Writes time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks.
12. Compares and contrasts data points on graphs with three categories.
Subdomain: Classification & Data
Categorizing and sorting objects into meaningful groups; sorts objects based on similar attributes and recognizes when objects do not belong in the same group.
5. Sorts objects based on two attributes.
6. Interprets simple picture graphs.
7. Creates picture graphs with two categories.
8. Compares and contrasts data points on simple graphs.
Strand: Geometry
Subdomain: 2-D Shapes
Recognizing and naming shapes that are both prototypical and non-prototypical and composing (and decomposing) shapes to make new figures.
5. Describes attributes of basic two-dimensional shapes.
6. Compares two-dimensional shapes.
7. Identifies more complex shapes (pentagon, hexagon, rhombus, trapezoid, and oval).
8. Identifies which two-dimensional shapes create the faces of three-dimensional objects.
Subdomain: 3D Shapes
Exploring the characteristics and properties of 3D shapes.
5. Distinguishes between 2D and 3D shapes.
6. Describes attributes of basic 3D shapes.
7. Identifies 3D shapes based on their attributes.
8. Compares basic 3D shapes
Subdomain: Composing Shapes
Drawing shapes, composing shapes to create larger shapes, and partitioning a shape to make simple shapes.
6. Draws basic two-dimensional shapes.
7. Composes simple shapes to form larger shapes.
8. Partitions shapes into simple shapes.
Subdomain: Spatial Relationships
Noticing and describing the relationships between objects and places using spatial language.
5. Appropriately responds to positional words indicating position, direction, and distance.
6. Uses simple sketches, models, or maps to locate objects.
7. Understands that shapes remain the same when they are moved, turned, flipped, or slid
8. Creates representations of shapes based on knowledge of defining attributes (e.g., number of sides, angles, etc.).
Subdomain: Reasoning With Shape
9. Distinguishes between defining attributes and non-defining attributes.
10. Draws shapes to posess defining attributes.
11. Builds two-dimensional shapes to create a composite shape and then composes new shapes from the composite shape.
12. Demonstrates understanding of two or four equal shares of a partitioned shape.
Domain: Literacy
Strand: Phonological Awareness
Subdomain: Segmenting
Breaking down individual sounds or syllables to read or write words.
5. Explores segmenting simple words into individual phonemes.
6. Isolates final sounds in CVC words.
7. Isolates medial vowel sounds in CVC words (short vowels only).
8. Identifies consonants that are combined to form a consonant blend.
Subdomain: Alliteration
Listening to, generating, or manipulating words that have the same initial sound (onset).
5. Sorts words by onset.
6. Sorts words with initial diagraphs by onset.
Subdomain: Blending
Pulling together individual sounds or syllables to hear or read words.
5. Blends phonemes to form simple words.
6. Blend phonemes to form simple words quickly.
7. Blends phonemes to form one-syllable word with consonant digraphs.
8. Blends phonemes to form one-syllable words with consonant blends.
Subdomain: Rhyming
Listening to, generating, or manipulating words that have the same ending sound.
5. Demonstrates the ability to fill in rhyming words.
6. Fills in rhyming words.
Subdomain: Phoneme Manipulation
Practicing manipulating individual sounds within words.
6A. Adds an initial phoneme to a given word to create a new word.
6B. Adds a final phoneme to a given word to create a new word.
6C. Adds a medial phoneme to a word to create a new word.
7A. Deletes an initial phoneme from a given word to create a new word.
7B. Deletes a final phoneme from a given word to create a new word.
7C. Deletes a medial phoneme from a word to create a new word.
8A. Substitutes an initial phoneme in a given word to create a new word.
8B. Substitutes a final phoneme in a given word to create a new word.
8C. Substitutes a medial phoneme in a word to create a new word.
Strand: Phonics
Subdomain: Alphabet Knowledge
Awareness of letters in the environment; an introduction to their relationship to sound and the understanding that letters make up words.
5. Recognizes 26 uppercase and 20 lowercase letters.
6. Identifies all 26 uppercase and lowercase letters.
7. Rapidly identifies all 26 uppercase and lowercase letters.
Subdomain: Decoding
Using knowledge of letter–sound relationships, phonogram patterns, and letter patterns to pronounce written words.
6. Decodes CVC words with short vowel sounds.
7. Decodes CCVC words with consonant diagraphs.
8. Decodes CVCe words with long vowel sounds.
9. Determines the number of syllables in a printed word.
10. Decodes two-syllable words that follow basic patterns.
11. Reads words with inflectional endings.
12. Reads grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.
Subdomain: Letter–Sound Correspondence
Connecting grapheme to phoneme relationships through identifying the common sounds letters represent.
5. Identifies 15 uppercase and 10 lowercase letters based on their sounds.
6. Identifies all uppercase and 20 lowercase letters based on their sounds.
7. Identifies all 26 uppercase and lowercase letters based on their sounds.
8. Identifies vowels based on long vowel sounds.
Strand: Reading
Subdomain: Concepts of Print
Awareness of print and print directionality; understanding that print has meaning and books are made of letters and words.
5. Distinguishes letters from words.
6. Distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase letters.
7. Tracks written text along with spoken text.
8. Identifies features of nonfiction text.
Subdomain: Comprehension: Fiction
Using decoding skills, making connections, and thinking about what is read to understand and interpret fiction stories.
5. Interacts during a read-aloud with call and response or movements
6. Answers simple recall questions about a text with short, predictable sentences that directly relate to illustrations.
7. Recalls order of events after reading a text.
8. Makes simple predictions and inferences about a text.
Subdomain: Comprehension: Nonfiction
Using decoding skills, making connections, and thinking about what is read to understand and interpret expository texts.
6. Answers simple recall questions about texts with short, predictable sentences that directly relate to illustrations.
7. Demonstrates an understanding of content-specific vocabulary used in a text.
8. Recalls order of procedures after reading a procedural text.
Subdomain: High-Frequency Words
Words that are commonly seen in print; they hold little to no meaning on their own, but contribute to the meaning of a sentence.
6. Identifies the following sight words: the, can, is, a, I, see, on, he, she, at.
7. Identifies the following sight words: to, in, you, it, was, that, his, and, for, are.
8. Identifies the following sight words: of, with, they, be, this, have, from, we, look, my.
Subdomain: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Thinking across related texts to compare and contrast topics and themes.
6. Describes the relationship between illustrations and a story.
7. Compares and contrasts the experiences of characters in a story.
8. Describes the characters, setting, or events in a story using illustrations and/or details.
9. Describes characters, setting, or events using illustrations and details in a story.
10. Describes the key ideas of a text using illustrations and text details.
11. Identifies the reasons an author gives to support points in a text.
12. Identifies similarities and differences between two texts on the same topic.
Subdomain: Craft and Structure
Exploring how the organization and structure of sentences and paragraphs contribute to text meaning.
6. Answers questions about words in a text.
7. Recognizes common types of texts.
8. Names the author and illustrator of a text and defines the role of each
9. Identifies words or phrases in poems or stories that indicate feelings or appeal to the senses.
10. Identifies who is telling the story at different points in a text.
11. Identifies whether information has been provided by pictures or illustrations or by the words in a text.
12. Uses various text features (e.g. headings, glossaries, tables of contents) to locate key facts or information in a text.
Strand: Listening Comprehension
Subdomain: Key Ideas & Details
Important elements or central ideas in a story or text.
5. Recalls the order of events in a story.
6. Recalls several facts from expository text.
7. Makes text-to-text connections.
8. Draws a picture to summarize text, and labels key details.
9. Identifies the main topic of a text
10. Retells a story demonstrating an understanding of the central message or lesson
11. Identifies settings and major events in a story using key detail
12. Describes how two individuals, events, or pieces of information in a text are connected
Strand: Writing
Subdomain: Writing Development
The progression of writing begins with scribbling, then drawing for meaning, next producing letter strands that represent letters and words, and finally using formal writing conventions.
5. Writes letter strings with spaces.
6. Labels a picture with at least the initial sound.
7. Uses invented or phonetic spelling.
8. Uses capital letters at the beginning of a sentence and ending punctuation.