The buddy is an animated cartoon child who keeps each player company as they journey through the Ignite by Hatch™ digital experiences.
Each child will create a buddy the first time they log in. They have the option to choose the hair and skin color of their character or buddy. They can also choose their buddy's clothing and accessories. Some children will design buddies that look like themselves, and others may design a buddy that does not resemble them, who serves as more of a friend that they create.
Children will then have the option to edit their buddy inside the Ignite application after the completion of each game set (three digital experiences). As a reward for finishing three digital experiences, children can choose and add gear for their buddy to the dressing room. The gear may include new hairstyles, glasses, clothing, or animal costumes.
Buddies provide a way for children to get creative and express themselves as they learn with Ignite and to feel like they have a companion along the way!