Updated 09/03/2024
Back to School Updates
New Bulk Edit Feature: Easily update the school and class information for one or more children at the same time using the new bulk edit functionality. This will save you time and simplify your roster management.
Setup Assistant Reset for Archived Organizations: The setup assistant popup and checklist will now automatically reset for archived organizations, providing step-by-step guidance to ensure everything is set up correctly.
Login Reminder Emails: To help new users get started, automated reminder emails will be sent if they haven’t completed their first sign-in within 3, 8, or 15 days. This will help improve engagement and ensure a smooth onboarding process.
Setup Reminder Emails: Automated reminders will now be sent to users who have incomplete tasks in the setup assistant, encouraging them to finish the setup process.
Grade Automation: With Ignite’s new grade placement system, grades will now be automatically assigned based on birth date unless a grade is manually entered. Users can edit this grade in Insights, except when autoroster is applied.
Updated 02/20/2024
New! HatchSync® for IgniteTable!
Discover the latest extension of HatchSync—now for IgniteTable! HatchSync is our partnership with Teaching Strategies GOLD®. Previously only available for Ignite by Hatch™, this enhancement saves teachers time by automatically sending documentation of children’s skill practice on IgniteTable directly to GOLD. Interested in this time-saving feature? You're invited to opt in—just reach out to get started.
When your organization administrator sets up the HatchSync connection, you will start to see documents and other reports being sent to GOLD on your Hatch Insights™ dashboard. Learn more: Now Offering HatchSync® for IgniteTable by Hatch™.
Other Changes:
- Setup Assistant enhancements: If you're an auto-roster user, a new Setup Assistant is now available, designed with you in mind. It walks you through the Hatch setup process with steps customized for your needs, ensuring a streamlined setup experience. If you have HatchSync, you'll find details on your status in the About You section at the top of your page.
Updated 01/24/2024
New Enhanced Onboarding!
Hatch has rolled out a new and improved onboarding experience focused on making your journey with Hatch's learning products more efficient and user-friendly. The goal is to make the onboarding process quicker and more intuitive, ensuring you can start using Hatch products for your children's learning and growth as soon as possible. Learn more: New Setup Assistant Rostering Checklist.
- Warm welcome: Upon first login, you'll encounter a welcome page in Hatch Insights™, introducing you to the Hatch products available through your organization's licenses.
- Flexible onboarding options: If you are a new teacher or administrator with Hatch, you will still receive the existing onboarding experience. Now there will be an option to check out the new Setup Assistant if you want to try it!
- Easy navigation: You can access your Setup Assistant page at any time via the Resources tab in the main menu so that you can easily navigate to and from your setup tasks page.
- Role-specific setup checklists: Your new Setup Assistant page is customized to you and your role in your school or classroom (for example, teacher and administrator tasks are different).
- Setup progress reminder: A handy pop-up will appear on the bottom of your Insights pages, reminding you of the remaining tasks for completing the setup.
Other Changes:
- Teachers can now easily access the device report through the main menu navigation, ensuring a seamless and consistent experience within Insights.
- The Ignite School and Class Utilization Reports update every 12 hours, ensuring that they load quickly and efficiently.
Updated 01/24/2024
New Enhanced Onboarding!
Hatch has rolled out a new and improved onboarding experience focused on making your journey with Hatch's learning products more efficient and user-friendly. The goal is to make the onboarding process quicker and more intuitive, ensuring you can start using Hatch products for your children's learning and growth as soon as possible. Learn more: New Setup Assistant Rostering Checklist.
- Warm welcome: Upon first login, you'll encounter a welcome page in Hatch Insights™, introducing you to the Hatch products available through your organization's licenses.
- Flexible onboarding options: If you are a new teacher or administrator with Hatch, you will still receive the existing onboarding experience. Now there will be an option to check out the new Setup Assistant if you want to try it!
- Easy navigation: You can access your Setup Assistant page at any time via the Resources tab in the main menu so that you can easily navigate to and from your setup tasks page.
- Role-specific setup checklists: Your new Setup Assistant page is customized to you and your role in your school or classroom (for example, teacher and administrator tasks are different).
- Setup progress reminder: A handy pop-up will appear on the bottom of your Insights pages, reminding you of the remaining tasks for completing the setup.
Other Changes:
- Teachers can now easily access the device report through the main menu navigation, ensuring a seamless and consistent experience within Insights.
- The Ignite School and Class Utilization Reports update every 12 hours, ensuring that they load quickly and efficiently.
Updated 01/05/2024
New Feature: Family Activities Visible to Educators!
Family skill practice activities are now accessible to administrators and teachers! Explore and access at-home activities designed for family members through Insights. Conveniently print and share these activities as desired.
Other Exciting Changes:
- Teacher dashboards: We optimized the loading speed for teacher dashboards, ensuring faster and seamless access to data and tiles.
- School progress reports: We optimized the loading speed for administrators in large organizations, providing timely access to school progress reports.
- Ignite by Hatch™ playtime reports: Playtime reports now default to the time period of "This Week," offering a more focused and actionable overview.
Updated 12/04/2023
New Export and Print Report Features!
On the Ignite progress, playtime, and entry reports, you can now see new options for exporting and downloading data! For example, you can export data into a customized CSV file or save the entire progress report via PDF.
Other Exciting Changes:
You now have the option to roster children with the grade “other,” as needed, using any of the rostering methods provided.
Enjoy improved filter functionality on Ignite progress, playtime, and entry reports for better data comparison.
You should experience faster load times as we continue to optimize Insights dashboards and reports.
Updated 11/09/2023
New Progress Report Enhancements!
We're introducing a powerful new feature developed based on your valued feedback: the ability to export reports into spreadsheets. Now you can effortlessly export school, class, and child Ignite progress reports into convenient CSV spreadsheets, granting you the flexibility to use and analyze progress data however you need!
Other Exciting Changes:
Look out for a new badge on select Ignite Curricular Experiences that indicates alignment with our latest offering, Key Foundations by Hatch™. Dive into Key Foundations on our website to explore this innovative educational initiative further.
Updated 10/25/2023
New Ignite by Hatch™ Device Report Enhancements
Now administrators and educators can filter and sort the device report by class, making it easier to view data as needed. You can also export the device report to CSV, simplifying data analysis.
Class sort and filter: Easily customize your view by filtering and sorting the device report by class.
Download/export feature: Export the device report to CSV for data that suits your needs.
New Growth Report Export
You can now export the Ignite Growth Report to CSV, providing additional flexibility to use the data how you need to.
Other Exciting Changes:
If you use IgniteTable, you’ll find a new tile on your dashboard with recommended curricular experiences related to the IgniteTable skills your children have practiced. Curricular experiences are a great way to support your children, offering offline activities to help them develop the skills they need for school and beyond.
On a child’s profile page, educators can now navigate to that child’s detail report by clicking the link in the menu at the bottom left. This allows you to find more data easily for that child.
Updated 10/07/2023
New! Educational Journey Enhancements
You can now choose the appropriate educational journey when you roster children, whether it be via Autoroster or Carryover!
New! Exciting Curricular Experiences
For IgniteTable educators, you will start to see Curricular Experiences based on your children’s play on IgniteTable so that you can support their learning!
Other Changes:
You will now have a smoother experience, with optimized loading times and more targeted error messaging, whether you are importing your roster via CSV or exporting your playtime and progress data.
You can now filter the play log by teacher. This means you can get the data you need, tailored just for you.
Updated 09/20/2023
New! Enhancements to CSV Rostering for a Better Experience
Quick Child Import: Administrators and teachers can now use a speedy "quick import" option when rostering children. This means you can include only the required fields in your CSV file, making it super fast to add children and get them started playing Hatch™ products.
More Accepted Field Formats: We've expanded the range of accepted field formats for CSV rostering. This means you'll encounter fewer error messages and experience more successful imports. Check out our articles for more information about our accepted formats.
Other Changes:
You’ll now see teacher filters on the "View all Children" and "View all Family Members" pages. You can filter children and family members based on their associated teacher, making it easier to manage your classroom.
If you use Childplus, the import function no longer requires family member phone numbers, streamlining the process for administrators.
Updated 09/05/2023
Ignite progress reports are new and improved, showing skill levels across the top, displaying the progress by grade level, and clearly marking the new starting point for kindergarten children (Level 3)!
Other Changes
- On the playtime reports, see the full name of your school, class, or child without hovering over these items. The text continues onto the next line if the name is longer than the space provided.
For Autoroster (Clever/Classlink Only):
- Teachers can now log in to IgniteTable using Clever or Classlink single sign-on.
- Autoroster will now allow an unlimited number of family members to be associated with a child, per the Clever or ClassLink data communicated to Hatch™.
Updated 08/17/2023
Filter by teacher on the Ignite class and child playtime reports! Educators can use this filter to see playtime for specific teachers' classes or children and help support growth by ensuring that children play Ignite for at least 30 minutes per week.
Other Changes
When viewing a kindergarten child's profile or child skill detail report, it will now indicate that they start at Level 3 as the most developmentally appropriate starting point for kindergarten!
You can now filter by domain and by teacher on the class and child progress reports!
There is now an updated resource menu! Under the Resources tab, you will now see more options to find support and learn more about Hatch.
For Autoroster (Clever/Classlink Only):
- Undefined or empty data fields will not interrupt your roster sync. The sync will skip this data and add all the correct data, then tell you which items we could not add on the Roster Sync Status page.
- Administrators visiting their Roster Sync Settings page can now choose to allow educators to edit or personalize their classroom names.