WePlaySmart® by Hatch™ features a robust progress-monitoring component that allows teachers to rate children’s social–emotional skills based on video recorded as the children play. Video clips 30–45 seconds long are recorded automatically at strategic times when children are logged in to play and are likely to interact. No action is needed to initiate or end video recordings. No video is recorded during Free Play Music. Videos provide teachers with multiple opportunities to review authentic peer interactions. The videos can be found and reviewed through the Class Overview Report.
Class Overview Report
This report provides an at-a-glance overview of class progress and provides the following details:
- A list of all of the children in the class.
- Unrated and rated videos sorted by skill and time frame. Only four videos will be saved per skill, per time frame, per child.
- Ability to view every child’s Child Details Report (described in the following section).
- Total Table Time for each class as a whole.
- Each child’s time on task for table use and for each skill.
- Date tabs to allow shifting the view between time frames.
Rating Report
This report shows the ratings the teacher has assigned to children in a classroom based on their recordings. They can be sorted by Skill, Sub-Skill, and Skill Rating.
Time-On-Task Report
This report shows the total time a class has spent using WePlaySmart® and the time spent in each Skill.
Rating Count Report
This report shows the number of children who have been rated within different ranges. The drop-down menu allows you to sort by rating range to show how many children fall into each range.
Note: All reports can be printed or saved using buttons near the top of the reports.
Rating Children’s Recordings
- To rate children’s proficiency within the skills, open the Classroom Overview Report.
- The key at the top of the Classroom Overview Report shows a scale used to rate a child’s social–emotional Skill Level from 1 to 5 as demonstrated in a video recording.
- A rating of 1 indicates that the child does not demonstrate the skill.
- A rating of 5 indicates that the child demonstrates the skill strongly.
- The arrow next to the rating key represents what you will see when new videos are available.
- The key at the top of the Classroom Overview Report shows a scale used to rate a child’s social–emotional Skill Level from 1 to 5 as demonstrated in a video recording.
- In addition to the Classroom Overview Report, the Child Details Reports provide access to child recordings.
- Scroll to the child in question, and select the video that you want to hear.
- After you select the New Video symbol beside the child, the Video Rating screen will appear.
- The Video Rating screen shows:
- The video player
- A volume control
- A screenshot of the game that the children played when the recording was made
- The game type the children played (Sort, Turns, Find, Uncover, Connect, or Vote)
- The date and time when the recording was captured
- The Video Rating screen shows:
- The Children in Recording display lists all the children who were logged in during the recording. After you finish rating one child’s skill, you may press another child’s tile to rate without losing your ratings. When you are done rating for all the children, press Save.
- Remove Child from a Recording is used only when you observe the child leave the table.
- Add Child to Recording allows you to rate a child who appears in a recording but wasn’t logged in when it occurred. Use this feature if one child logs in as another child mistakenly or if a new child joins at the table during play.
- The skill drop-down menu is used to change the default social–emotional skill the recording illustrates for the selected child. A video can only be assigned to one skill per child.
- The Remove Recording button (trash can icon) removes the child from the recording. This should only be used for instances in which the recording is truly unusable for rating any children. Pressing the trash can icon removes that video from the system.
- The Select Ratings displays the Sub-Skills for each social–emotional skill, along with a 1–5 rating selection.
- The question mark (?) button provides a more detailed description of the Sub-Skills rated.
- The Save button saves your ratings and closes the window.
- The Cancel button closes the window, discarding your changes.
Important Things to Keep in Mind
- Ratings only apply to one child at a time. Remember to rate all children in the video before saving.
- You must rate all Sub-Skills listed under a recording in order to save ratings.
- After listening, assign a rating to each Sub-Skill for each child by selecting one of the numbers from 1 to 5.
- A rating of 1 indicates that the child does not demonstrate the skill.
- A rating of 5 indicates that the child demonstrates the skill strongly.
- The ratings for each Sub-Skill combine to provide an average rating for the overall skill for this recording.
- After rating the recordings, select Save to finish.
If you need assistance see this article: Support for WePlaySmart® by Hatch™ Progress Monitoring.
Remember to keep your data safe. For tips, see this article: WePlaySmart®: Keeping Progress-Monitoring Data Protected.