The Child Skill Detail report gives you the most detailed look at the skills your children are experiencing in IgniteTable. IgniteTable focuses on developing children's social and emotional skills. As they play, IgniteTable collects data to help you determine if the skill is being shown. The Child Skill Detail report looks at one child at a time and will show you all the skills they've experienced and whether these skills need a skill observation. To learn more about skill observations, read [Org Admins, School Admins, Teachers] IgniteTable Skill Observations.
See the attached PDF at the bottom of this article for more details about tracking progress in IgniteTable.
Where Do I Find the Child Skill Detail Report?
Each child has their own Child Skill Detail Report. You can find a child's skill detail report in a couple of ways:
- From the main navigation: In the top menu, hover over IgniteTable Reports. Under Other Reports, click Child Skill Detail Reports. You'll be taken to a landing page where you'll find all of your children listed. Simply click View Report in the row of the child whose report you'd like to see and then you will find their Child Skill Detail Report.
- From the Playtime or Progress Report: In the top menu, hover over IgniteTable Reports. Select either Child Progress Report or Child Playtime Report. On either of these pages, simply click the name of the child you're interested in to be taken to their Child Skill Detail Report.
- From the skill observation page: In the top menu, hover over IgniteTable Reports. Under Other Reports, select Skill Observations. Once a child has no skill observations needed, you'll see a button that says View Child Skill Detail Reports.
What's in This Report?
The Child Skill Detail Report is a comprehensive report of the skills your child is learning in IgniteTable. At the top of the page, you'll find your child's photo, the rocket they customized while playing IgniteTable, and some playtime statistics.
Below this, you'll find filters and the skill detail key, which can also be used to filter the report. You can filter by time period, domain, subdomain, and skill detail type. Let's look at the skill details for IgniteTable from left to right.
- Skill Unavailable: This means that the skill experience has not yet been added to IgniteTable and is not available for the child to play.
- Skill Not Yet Played: This means that the skill experience exists in IgniteTable, but the child has not been logged in to play it yet.
- Skill Data Collected: This means that the child logged in and played the skill experience. It also means that IgniteTable collected data, like recording a snippet of play or a participation indicator, that can be reviewed by you.
- Skill Not Observed: This means that the child logged in and played the skill experience, but when you looked at the data collected (recordings and participation indicators), you determined that you did not see the child demonstrating this skill and you marked "No" for skill observed on they skill observation page.
- Skill Observed: This means that the child logged in and played the skill experience, and when you looked at the data collected (recordings and participation indicators), you determined that you did see the child demonstrating this skill and you marked "Yes" for skill observed on the skill observation page.
Below the filters, you'll find all of the skills offered in IgniteTable, organized by domain and then subdomain. Under each subdomain label, you'll find the skill description in a box colored based on its skill detail status. In the box, you may see a couple of icons:
- Hand icon: This indicates that IgniteTable sensed participation from the child while they played the skill. These participation indicators are uniquely designed for each experience to help determine that the skill is occurring during play.
- Eye icon: This indicates that the skill has been observed by an educator. This means that an educator went to the skill observation page and selected "Yes," that the skill was observed on the child's skill card.
All of this information is meant to help you understand the report at a glance, but we also allow and encourage you to get even more details related to the skills that the child is playing.
What Can I Do Here?
For each skill on this page, you'll notice a small arrow on the skill box. If you click the skill box, it will expand and give you even more information about the skill that the child experienced. Depending on the color of the box, you will see different information in the box.
All boxes will include the game name that the skill is associated with. You can click on the game name to receive a pop-up with more information about the game and a picture of it. You could even use this to find the game in Explore Experiences on IgniteTable and play through the game without collecting data to help support children who may be struggling with a particular skill.
Green and orange boxes indicate that this skill has been assessed by an educator on the skill observation page. Because of this, these cards will have more information. They will include information about whether the child participated while playing, the skill-observed determination, any notes the educator might have added, and the recording collected by IgniteTable. These cards can also be edited by clicking the Edit Info button in the top corner. When you click this button, you will be able to change the skill-observed determination and the notes.
Blue boxes indicate that a skill observation is needed. They will include a button to take you to the skill observation page where you can easily assess your children's skills. These boxes will also include information about participation and the recording from IgniteTable.
The information on this page can also be printed for family conferences if desired.