IgniteTable is a fun way for children to develop collaborative skills. With our multiplayer interactive table display, two to four children can play together to complete fun tasks and earn rewards. Getting started is easy! Here's what you'll need:
An IgniteTable license
A Hatch Interactive Table (IgniteTable)
- An Internet connection in the room where the table will be
- Rostering information (children, teachers, classes, administrators, and schools; more information on this can be found in the articles below)
After you have these items, use the following guides to get your children set up and ready to play.
[Org Admin] Getting Started With Hatch™: Rostering - Org Admins have the ability to set up their entire organization including Schools, School Admins, Teachers, Classes, Children, and Family Members. However, Org Admins can choose to delegate certain tasks like rostering Classes, Teachers, and Children to School Admins or Teachers.
[School Admin] Getting Started With Hatch™: Rostering - School Admins have the ability to set up Classes, Teachers, Children, and Family Members. However, they can delegate rostering Classes, Children, and Family members to Teachers.
[Teacher] Getting Started With Hatch™: Rostering - Teachers have the ability to set up their Classes, Children and Family Members.
After you complete rostering check out: Getting Started With Hatch™: Using IgniteTable
If you don't have an IgniteTable yet, contact our sales teams for assistance.