These rules exist for all of our customers and includes auto rosters, CSV, Childplus, and more. Whenever you import or sync data into Hatch Insights™, you may need to consider these rules and confirm that your data follows them:
- Classes cannot have more than 32 children.
- Children cannot have more than four guardians (auto roster (Clever/Classlink) customers can have more than four).
- Teachers cannot have more than 10 classes.
- Children can only belong to one classroom.
- Teachers should belong to at least one class.
- Classes should have at least one or more children.
- School names cannot be longer than 128 characters.
- Class names cannot be longer than 40 characters.
- People's names cannot be longer than 40 characters.
- Emails cannot be longer than 50 characters.
- Accepted special characters include: !@#$%^&*()_-=+{[}]\|:;'“,<.>?/`~
- Teachers can only belong to more than one school if this setting has been updated in the Organization Settings page. Teachers with this setting enabled cannot belong to more than 10 schools.
- If you plan to send documentation to Teaching Strategies GOLD® via HatchSync®, then children must have a date of birth included and shared.